School of Holy Spirit

Ephesians 4:11-13

He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Do you have a hunger to know more about God and His Word? To develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ? To identify the call of God on your life and fulfill your purpose?

Whether you’re a new Believer or hungering to step out in actively working for the Lord, our Training Center has classes to help you grow in the knowledge of who you are in Christ Jesus, to spiritually and biblically equip you to fulfill your purpose in life and to live the victorious life God intended for you.

Since we began classes in 2019 over 380 students have enrolled in our classes; many of them have boldly gone on to conduct Bible Study Groups, start Prayer Groups, serve in their local church, and work in various forms of evangelism.  Are you ready to change your life, to be all God created you to be and impact your community? Now’s the time to enroll, just click below.




   Available classes for 3rd Semester 2024

It is always best to start a class at the beginning, but you may join the class at anytime you are available. However you cannot miss more than three classes to graduate.


Class 12 Week Classes-Starting Facilitator
Praying the will and word of God Tuesday August 27@10:00 AM Patricia Allen-Wiggins
New Creation in Christ Wednesday August 28 @ 6:30 PM Rick Dees
Understanding Spiritual Warfare Thursday August 29 @ 10:00 AM Patricia Allen-Wiggins
Divine Healling Training Thursday August 29 @ 6:30 PM Randy Smith




School of Holy Spirit


Our training center offers you three twelve-week, tuition-free, training semesters annually. The 2024 Schedule is:

  • Semester 1: January 8 – March 29
  • Semester 2: April 30 – July 19
  • Semester 3: August 26 – November 15

The following is a list of all the classes we periodically offer. A posting of the actual classes to be offered in an upcoming semester will be posted here and sent out by email approximately one month in advance of the start of each semester. You can register above or at the first class.


The primary focus of this class is to teach the truth regarding God’s will to heal.  It reveals the sacred cows and traditions of men which have hindered Christians from fulfilling Jesus’ command to ‘go, heal the sick.’ Students learn that it is always God’s will to heal and how to minister healing biblically and effectively.


Are you new to the study of God’s Word?  Are there some basics of faith you don’t clearly understand? This class covers twelve fundamental topics ranging from ‘How to Study the Bible’ to subjects covering the victorious new life you have in Jesus Christ.


Did you know that God established four avenues for giving to support the work of His Kingdom? Do you know the divine purpose and  blessing for each? This teaching will outline the financial plan God laid out in His Word, which blesses the stewardship of His children and finances the work of His Kingdom.


In this class, the students will learn the strategies of spiritual warfare and how to recognize the tactics of the enemy. Students learn how to move from a defensive stalemate posture to victoriously exercising their God given authority and launching offensive counter attacks against the enemy. This is a reading intensive class.

Wheather Holy Spirit merely indwells believers or also empowers them has been a source of much discussion, confusion, and division. In this course, scriptural evidence and practical application lay a foundation for every believer to not only carry God’s presence, but also to be empowered to live a victorious life as a child of God.


This class focuses on your new birth in Jesus Christ.  It’s more than just a religious act to get one into heaven; it’s a divine, God-empowered, transformation.  The new birth means you are now a child of the Most High God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ.  And, as members of the royal household of God, there is now a divine purpose for your life.


This is a reading intensive class for those who have a passion to hear the Father’s voice.  You will learn:  (1) how vitally important it is for you to pray in the Spirit (tongues), (2) how to hear and recognize the voice of God, (3) how to  develop spiritual  discernment, (4) how to partner with God to counter  the works of the enemy, (5) and  how to set  in motion the breakthrough you, your family and our nation needs.


The student will leave this class with a clear understanding of their place in the Ekklesia.  Material will cover an overview of the history of the Church, its rise, its fall into the dark ages and its God-designed restoration process to become the Matthew 6:10 Ekklesia of King Jesus. This is a reading intensive class.