Isaiah 61 Evangelism Program
Our Isaish 61 Program is the evangelistic arm of Gulf Coast Prayer and Healing Center. It currently participates in a number of events in Daphne, Robertsdale, Summerdale, and Loxley, some of which are annual events, and some are monthly. The Isaiah 61 Program is open to all Christians with a desire to take part in evangelism of Baldwin County. Events offer our School of Holy Spirit students the opportunity to continue their Biblical studies by putting into practice what they have learned in the classroom. Students learn the joy of ministering in their community, and how truly easy it is to be a witness for Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 61 Events
First Wednesday Community Prayer: Monthly
Baldwin County Strawberry Festival: April
Annual Day of Prayer: May
RSC Christmas Bazaar: November
Gatekeepers: Attending City Coucnil Meetings, School Board Meetings, County Commission Meetings
Annual Block Party: TBA
For more information about an event, call 251-259-5117 or email