A.W. is a member of our Prison Ministry Team. In 2017 he joined his son, David Wiggins, in the ministry dearest to his heart: working with men incarcerated in the Loxley Community Work Center. Prior to coming on board with our Prison Ministry Team, A.W. served as senior pastor of New Beginnings Center Ministries in Fort Myers, Florida.

A.W.’s passion for prison ministry comes from having been there. After serving only 8 years of a 60-year prison sentence for drug trafficking, God miraculously set A.W. free in 1991. In 1985, two years after A.W. was incarcerated, he came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and began an intensive study of God’s Word. He found that it is the will of God to set the captives free; to forgive them of their trespasses and establish them on the path He had ordained for them even before they were born. Holy Spirit revealed to him that God is the God of a second-chance for all who would call upon the name of the Lord and trust Him for deliverance.

In 1985, A.W. and his wife Patricia joined in faith, believing God for a miracle. A.W. had been caught up in the judicial system era in which outlandish sentences were handed down for drug related crimes. Their only hope for an early release would be the Hand of God: a miracle. And that’s exactly what they received. After 6 years of walking in faith, believing God was working, even though they could not see it, Florida Governor Lawton Chiles instructed the legislature to create and pass a bill which would allow him to release A.W. On October 8, 1991 he walked out of prison a free man. His story is one which demonstrates that God is still a miracle working God. He forgives and heals. He restores lives. He gives hope to the hopeless. And that is the message A.W. is passionate to communicate to those who are incarcerated and those who feel their life is broken and unrepairable – hope in the Lord and, as His word has promised, He will do great and mighty things for you.



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